Read posts on spiritual wisdom that would give insights into the big questions of life.  What is the boat that will help you cross over from turbulent emotions to an inner ocean of peace?  What’s the great spiritual quality one must possess? How do you accumulate spiritual wealth? It’s an incredible feeling when you can steer your life in the direction you deem fit. But, how to do it? Dwelve deeper through the stories and different perspectives to discover your truth.

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7y ago
Politeness Versus Humility

In the absence of humility any spiritual attainment vanishes like dew upon sunrise.

7y ago
Being Good

It isn't easy but self-realization is not possible without being good.

7y ago
A Thousand Marbles

Here's a beautiful story reminding us of what really matters in life.

7y ago
The ABC of Life

Is there no way out of the suffering sometimes this life seems to be?

7y ago
Cottleston Pie

How do you know which path you should take to realize yourself? Is meditation the only way?

7y ago
The Spirit of Service

Our willingness to serve than be served is sometimes the only difference between heaven and hell.

7y ago
The Tearing Thought

What to do when the wild elephant of thoughts tears into your garden of peace and quiet?

7y ago
Shedding Your Past

When you face light, your shadow is always behind you...

7y ago
The Basis of Honor

The path that leads to divinity, beyond petty human emotions, is walked with a singular virtue. Read on.

7y ago
Honoring Your Word

Keeping a promise requires sincerity and discipline, something we can learn from nature.

8y ago
The Secret of a Good Relationship

Rejoicing in togetherness is akin to sitting next to a fireplace. Here's a beautiful little story...

8y ago
The Daffodil Principle

Here's a beautiful story with an inspiring message...the way to lead our life.

8y ago
Heaven and Hell

Do heaven or hell really exist or are they a mere figment of imagination?

8y ago
A Spiritual Attitude

A beautiful story of Buddha and his disciple

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Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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