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9y ago
The Narcissist

Do you know what a hot air balloon and a narcissist have in common? Here are my thoughts...

9y ago
The Calling of Happiness

Happiness is an attainment whereas we mistake it for the pleasures of life. Instead, It's a journey, a path, a state of being.

9y ago
An Attitude of Happiness

Count your blessings and light the lamp of happiness in your heart. Let it fly, let it float. Let go.

9y ago
Be Strong

Even the strongest tree sways in the face of gusty winds. Being strong doesn't mean you show no emotion.

9y ago
The Essence of Friendship

Friends are like different flowers in a bouquet, each one has its own beauty, fragrance and color.

9y ago
A Story of Grace

Divine grace protects your tender heart from adversity like a shell shelters its inhabitant. Nature has a way.

9y ago
A Word on Love

To love is to make the other person at perfect ease in your presence, so they can be themselves.

9y ago
The Course of Grief

Grief has a life of its own. Like a river charts its own course, grief too must flow before it can merge into the sea of life.

9y ago
The Four Shades of Silence

Bliss and tranquility blossom in a silent mind like beautiful lotuses do in a serene pond.

9y ago
The Price of Freedom

True freedom is a leap from recklessness to responsibility. It's to be mindful of the consequences of our actions.

9y ago
One Life Many Lives

As series of drops make up a waterfall, tiny moments and experiences create what appears to be a lifetime.

9y ago
The 84th Problem

Here's a beautiful parable showing the possibility of a life without any problems at all.

9y ago
The Hall of a Thousand Mirrors

Here's a beautiful story illustrating how we shape our own world and attract a certain type of people.

9y ago
The River of Life

When you learn to flow with life, it becomes a beautiful and blissful journey.

9y ago
The Drama Triangle

Love flows without resentment like water from a mountain in the one who learns to loves himself first.