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10y ago
You are Not Weak

Even the hard coconut can break in one blow. It doesn't mean it's weak. It's vulnerable.

10y ago
Dealing with Stress

A man was never stressed and this intrigued his neighbors. Read the story for more.

11y ago

The sky remains independent of the colors and clouds in it. It returns to its natural state — blue. So can you.

11y ago
What Provokes You?

When provoked, it's so easy to lose your sense of judgment. Mindfulness is the antidote to provocation.

11y ago
Fear of the Dark

If you believe in inspiring and positive mythical entities, you'll naturally feel there exist ghosts and demons too.

11y ago
It’s Okay to Change

When you cling to what you believe to be untrue, soft underlying currents of suppression turn into tides of unrest.

11y ago
How to Attract

Lasting attraction is based on truth. If you are a real flower, butterflies will come to you automatically. Truth attracts.

11y ago
How to Overcome Negativity

Just like a series of water drops make up a waterfall, a series of thoughts make up your mental state.

11y ago

If you want to learn to swim, sooner or later, you will have to jump into the water. There is no other way.

11y ago
Toxic Anger

Toxic anger, like the deceptive iceberg, may appear harmless from the outside but underneath it's large and tumorous.

11y ago
Do You Compare Yourself?

The world wants you to be a trained donkey like others, like themselves in fact. They will if you let them. Be yourself.

11y ago
The Cracked Pot

Our weakness becomes our strength when we are honest with ourselves. Here's a beautiful story. 

11y ago
Bottled Up?

If you keep your emotions bottled up, you become increasingly restless and bitter. Learn to empty yourself.

11y ago
Do you Ignore Yourself?

A dying tree can offer neither shade nor fruit. You'll crumble eventually if you continue to ignore yourself.

11y ago
Being at Peace

If you let them be, negative thoughts are like bubbles that rise to the brim and disappear. Be aware and patient.