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9y ago
How to Keep New Year’s Resolutions

When you keep walking with patience and discipline, the path to fulfilling your resolution continues to unfold. One step at a time.

9y ago
I am Lonely

Loneliness is a natural emotion, but there's a difference between feeling lonely and being afraid of loneliness.

10y ago
Happiness is a Journey

Happiness is the path we walk. It's a matter of commitment, in fact, it's a choice and not always the outcome.

10y ago
Three Ways to Keep Your Calm

Here are three ways to steer your ship of life to a peaceful shore even when relationships are choppy.

10y ago
When They Trigger Anger in You

Do you contain your anger or does anger contain you? Who's resting on whom?

10y ago
How to Get Rid of Impure Thoughts

The mind is like a monkey, forever hopping from one place to another. It's not pure-impure or good-bad. It just is.

10y ago
I am Not Happy

Brooding over your past is one of the greatest barriers to happiness. The present moment has no sorrow.

10y ago
Making Your Dreams Come True

Why do some people succeed quicker than others? Believing in your dreams is the key.

10y ago
How to Be at Peace

In the big scheme of things no matter how much you have, it'll still be negligible. Peace is contentment.

10y ago
How to Apologize

An apology is genuine when you don't repeat your offense and when you offer no excuse.

10y ago
Discovering Your Purpose In Life

If you don't stand for something in life, you end up falling for just about anything.

10y ago
How to Forgive

Forgiveness is letting go, it's a gift. It is as much about the recipient as the giver.

10y ago
A Moral Dilemma

Can you lead your life in absolute black or white? Probably not. But you can have your principles.

10y ago
Using Attention to Get Over Hurt

Learn the art of directing your attention from hurtful and negative thoughts to happy and positive ones.

10y ago
How to Get Over Hurt

When you discover your inner sanctuary, you become like the gentle stream. You keep moving.