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9y ago
The Four Shades of Silence

Bliss and tranquility blossom in a silent mind like beautiful lotuses do in a serene pond.

9y ago
The Seed of Divinity

The tree laden with fruit always bends down a bit. On the path of divinity, it represents a key virtue.

9y ago
Your Spiritual Wealth

What is the boat that will help you cross over from turbulent emotions to an inner ocean of peace?

9y ago
The Monkey and the Coconut

Is it possible to be detached? Here's a beautiful story with a profound lesson on detachment.

9y ago
The One Principle

A guiding principle is like a lamp. Dispelling the darkness around us, it helps us make better choices.

10y ago
A Story of Faith

Here's a beautiful story of faith and surrender from the magnificent epic, the Mahabharata.

10y ago
The Most Profitable Deal

The life of Guru Nanak Dev is a teaching, a divine message in its own right. Here's a beautiful story.

10y ago
Collective Consciousness

The Law of Attraction can manifest your dreams provided you help others to manifest theirs.

10y ago
The Cobbler, the Dog and God

Here's a beautiful story, a gentle reminder about the purpose of spirituality — to see the divinity in everything.

10y ago
Seeing Past Yourself

The green mountains, the blue sky, a beautiful sunrise, it's all there. You will only see the beauty though when you learn to see past yourself.

10y ago
Compassion is Unreasonable

Here's a beautiful short story from the life of Jesus Christ with an important lesson on compassion.

10y ago
Why are We Unhappy?

Why is happiness fleeting and elusive like the summer clouds whereas our sorrows and miseries feel like giant rocks and boulders?

10y ago
The Seed of Empathy

Be where they are to know why they are the way they are. Don't be emphatic where being empathic will do. Know the difference.

10y ago
The Greatest Spiritual Quality

What is the seed of compassion? Here's my take on the most important virtue essential to feeling compassionate.

10y ago
If Truth Be Told — A Monk’s Memoir

If Truth Be Told is my memoir slated to be released next month by Harper Collins India. This is my life's journey thus far.