How Ignorant Are We
What represents pride flag?
My Hundredth Post on Platform (Century!)
A journey which started just as a let's see what happens, turns into the most life changing event
Tuition Fees
How much do we charge
Losing Your Purpose
And finding it again
The First Strand of Grey
When I noticed the first strand of grey hair
Insider Stories
His voice became low and he murmured- there is an unsatisfied soul residing here…ghost of a poor student, he committed...
Judged Too Quickly ?
We've all done this and then when we realise we were wrong, there's a deep sense of apology within that mostly doesn't reach the one we judged
What Am I Trying to Escape?
Musings of a 20 year old escapist when in crisis
A Seeker’s Song
A Seeker is a spiritual householder
Why I Write and then Rewrite and then Write…
The joys and downfalls of writing and why I love it so
Story Guru
How stories impacted my life
My Struggle with Estrangement from My Brother
Sometimes, estrangement is the only answer left — but do it without any guilt or resentment
(A poem)
A work in progress
Who am I?
I am many things...