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12y ago
Faith in God

He rounds up his sheep before dark. Or does he? It depends on the strength of your faith.

12y ago
What Provokes You?

When provoked, it's so easy to lose your sense of judgment. Mindfulness is the antidote to provocation.

12y ago
Fear of the Dark

If you believe in inspiring and positive mythical entities, you'll naturally feel there exist ghosts and demons too.

12y ago
Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One

Over time, ponds may dry up, but they don't disappear. Getting over the loss of a loved one takes time. 

12y ago
The Value of Nothing

When you learn to value 'nothing', everything becomes priceless. Self-realization is emptying your basket (of the mind).

12y ago
It’s Okay to Change

When you cling to what you believe to be untrue, soft underlying currents of suppression turn into tides of unrest.

12y ago
What is Beautiful?

Beneath beauty lies a sense of connection. Whatever you can connect with, you will find beautiful.

12y ago
How to Attract

Lasting attraction is based on truth. If you are a real flower, butterflies will come to you automatically. Truth attracts.

12y ago
How to Overcome Negativity

Just like a series of water drops make up a waterfall, a series of thoughts make up your mental state.

12y ago
Why do Women Dress Up?

Function driven by form, every element of Mother Nature is a work of art; so is a woman.

12y ago
Surrendering to a Guru

How can you fill a cup that's already full? Who can help you if you believe you've got it figured out already?

12y ago
Conditioned Morality

Is morality absolute? Will you kill one person to save five? Read the trolley thought experiment. 

12y ago
A Lost World

It's a lost world, too complicated. Chalk out your own path if you don't want to lose your way.

12y ago
Saying Yes to Life

A life of peace and meaning is far more precious than an exquisite symbol of death. Now is the time to live.

12y ago
Why do People Laugh?

Mary had a little lamb. What? She gave birth to a lamb? Everyone was expecting a human baby! Why do we laugh?