मेरे श्यामसुंदर
श्री हरी
Loud Repetitive World
~ a not-so-poem
समझ में कहां आती है
खोज खुशी की
मोको कहाँ ढूंढे रे बन्दे
Writers Live a Secret Life
A writer conceals his miseries but his words provide succour
Or is it?
चराग़ों को जलाने का रोज़ है
Live Free
I struggle with forgetting or forgiving #writewithosdotme
तुम चाँद बनो!
So much to learn from eternal moon
The Bumble Bee and the Flower
In the garden of love ❤ 🌸
The Pain Of The Mother Divine…
When her child looks at her, and sees nothing but a stone....
Are You Ready?
A poem for self-reflection.
सुन सबा सुनती जा...
Freedom: A Poem
That unparalleled joy and bliss.
हे नाथ! मैं तुम्हें भूलूँ नहीं
हे मात! मैं तुम्हें भूलूँ नहीं