महाभारत संग्रहालय
एक विचित्र लोक
युद्ध, चाहे शारीरिक हो या मानसिक, उसके दुष्परिणाम सभी को भोगने पड़ते है--तांडव ऋंखला का ३९वॉं प्रकरण
The Ants Theory
Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.
Handle With Care
We and our knee jerk reactions!
Somewhere Distant
Strength is not in not needing anybody, it is in accepting that you need people.
Camels Never Sit
A short story and a beautiful life lesson
When God is Your Uncle
Funny and punny stories from mythology
The Last Summer Break
They killed her...
My Alien Boyfriend
A hollow life
The Letter
Dangerous lies
The Train You Missed
Should you have gotten up on time
Clothes vs. Character
Familiarity breeds non-judgement
Where There Is Infinite Light – 5/5
A five-part story about philosophy, life, and other stuff. Oh yeah, and a samurai too!
माया चक्र में फँस कर मनुष्य की बुद्धि, वास्तविकता देख नहीं पाती--तांडव ऋंखला का २९वाँ प्रकरण
जब सिकंदर ने एक कौवे की बात मानी
क्या आपने सुनी है वह कहानी? — बोध कथा