Articles, Videos and more from Om Swami
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What Type of Meditator are You?
The rewards of meditation are directly proportional to the intensity and quality of your practice. Here's something to think about.
The Most Difficult Emotion
A beautiful story from the life of Buddha gives a profound message of mastering the most difficult emotion.
Why are We Unhappy?
Why is happiness fleeting and elusive like the summer clouds whereas our sorrows and miseries feel like giant rocks and boulders?
Raising a Child with Special Needs
Rather than being in a warm and sunny place, sometimes we end up in a cold and dark place. It has its own beauty. Such is life.
How to Keep New Year’s Resolutions
When you keep walking with patience and discipline, the path to fulfilling your resolution continues to unfold. One step at a time.
2014 at a Glance
All moments must pass, all seasons must go, giving way to the next. This is the truth of Time.
The Seed of Empathy
Be where they are to know why they are the way they are. Don't be emphatic where being empathic will do. Know the difference.
Betrayal of Trust
A true guru's presence is like the soft stream that gently sculpts the disciple, chiseling the rock of their hardened tendencies. Steadily.
The Wellness Sense
A practical guide to your physical and emotional health based on Ayurvedic and yogic wisdom.
Three Principles of Handling Criticism
The day you learn to handle criticism without getting angry, you will find yourself at the shore of eternal peace, reveling in bliss.
When will My Bad Time End?
"Why does this always happen to me?" This is the most common question people ask when tough times eclipse their lives, when adversity gnaws at their happiness.
The Greatest Spiritual Quality
What is the seed of compassion? Here's my take on the most important virtue essential to feeling compassionate.
The Secret of Healthy Relationships
Loving and living are not synonyms. Loving may be an emotional matter but living together is mostly about practicality.
I am Lonely
Loneliness is a natural emotion, but there's a difference between feeling lonely and being afraid of loneliness.
Happiness is a Journey
Happiness is the path we walk. It's a matter of commitment, in fact, it's a choice and not always the outcome.