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11y ago
Dealing with Terminal Illness

All rivers merge into the sea, all small things become a part of a bigger phenomenon, it goes back to its source in Nature

11y ago
How to Get Rid of Impure Thoughts

The mind is like a monkey, forever hopping from one place to another. It's not pure-impure or good-bad. It just is.

11y ago
I am Not Happy

Brooding over your past is one of the greatest barriers to happiness. The present moment has no sorrow.

11y ago
Making Your Dreams Come True

Why do some people succeed quicker than others? Believing in your dreams is the key.

11y ago
Nine Stages of Attaining Bliss

From a turbulent and restless mind to the calm-abiding mind, there are nine stages in Mahamudra meditation.

11y ago
Nine States of Attention

To reach a state of deep absorption requires building your concentration. It's staged and measurable.

11y ago
Six Principles of Meditation

Tilopa gave six short and profound instructions on meditation to his chief disciple. Every meditator should know them.

11y ago
What do You Really Want?

We are caged by our desires. Why didn't the nightingale see the snare? Read the story.

11y ago
How to Be at Peace

In the big scheme of things no matter how much you have, it'll still be negligible. Peace is contentment.

11y ago
How to Apologize

An apology is genuine when you don't repeat your offense and when you offer no excuse.

11y ago
Discovering Your Purpose In Life

If you don't stand for something in life, you end up falling for just about anything.

11y ago
What’s Your Excuse?

All other things being equal, there is a fundamental difference between those who succeed and those who don't.

11y ago
What are You Made of?

If we keep holding on, it keeps getting heavier, and, once the burden is beyond bear, it makes us weak and vulnerable.

11y ago
Eat Early to Lose Weight

Drinking pure water at the right time before and after your meals is an easy way of losing weight.

11y ago
How to Forgive

Forgiveness is letting go, it's a gift. It is as much about the recipient as the giver.